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- /*
- File: ScribleMainProgram.c
- Written by: Mark Gross
- Copyright: © 1992 by Applied Technical Software, all rights reserved.
- Use at your own risk.
- */
- //
- // this is the model main function modual for the typical DinkClass
- // application
- //
- #include "DApplication.h"
- #include "DScribbleApp.h"
- #include "DScribbleDoc.h"
- #include "DinkUtils.h"
- //
- //Core apple event prototypes
- //
- void DoAEInstallation(void);
- pascal OSErr HandleQUIT( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply,
- long myRefCon);
- pascal OSErr HandleOAPP( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply,
- long myRefCon);
- pascal OSErr HandlePDOC( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply,
- long myRefCon);
- pascal OSErr HandleODOC( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply,
- long myRefCon);
- main()
- {
- DApplication *theApp;
- InitToolBox(5);
- if(!System7Available() )
- DebugStr( "\p No System 7!!" );
- DEventHandler::gApplication = NULL;// to make sure no messages get sent to gApplication
- // before it is instanicated. otherwise the Application
- // object will be sending install handler message to itself
- // befor it is fully instaniated.
- theApp = new DScribbleApp;
- DEventHandler::gApplication = theApp;
- DEventHandler::gPassItOn = TRUE;
- theApp->fCreator = 'MkGR';// use your faverate initials
- theApp->fClipType = 'PICT';
- theApp->fMainFileType = 'PICT';
- DoAEInstallation();// the AE-handler procs refrence gApplication
- // so I'm initializing the AEvents after I have
- // a valid gApplication
- if(theApp->InitApp() )
- {
- theApp->MakeDDoc(FALSE);
- do
- {
- theApp->EventLoop();
- } while(!theApp->CleanUp());
- }
- delete theApp;
- ExitToShell(); //last good bye kiss
- }// the end
- void DoAEInstallation(void)
- {
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments,
- (EventHandlerProcPtr)HandleODOC, 0, false);
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication,
- (EventHandlerProcPtr)HandleQUIT, 0, false);
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEPrintDocuments,
- (EventHandlerProcPtr)HandlePDOC, 0, false);
- AEInstallEventHandler( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenApplication,
- (EventHandlerProcPtr)HandleOAPP, 0, false);
- }
- pascal OSErr HandleQUIT( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long myRefCon)
- {
- OSErr myErr;
- myErr = RequiredCheck( theAppleEvent);
- if (myErr)
- return myErr;
- DEventHandler::gApplication->fDone = true;
- return noErr;
- }
- pascal OSErr HandleOAPP( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long myRefCon)
- {
- OSErr myErr;
- myErr = RequiredCheck( theAppleEvent);
- if (myErr)
- return myErr;
- return noErr;
- }
- pascal OSErr HandlePDOC( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long myRefCon)
- {
- OSErr myErr;
- myErr = RequiredCheck( theAppleEvent);
- if (myErr)
- return myErr;
- return errAEEventNotHandled;
- }
- pascal OSErr HandleODOC( AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, long myRefCon)
- {
- OSErr myErr;
- AEDescList docList;
- FSSpec myFSS;
- long i;
- long itemsInList;
- AEKeyword theKeyWord;
- DescType typeCode;
- Size actualSize;
- WindowPtr docWindow;
- DDocument* newDoc;
- myErr = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList);
- if ( myErr)
- return(myErr);
- myErr = RequiredCheck( theAppleEvent);
- if (myErr)
- return myErr;
- myErr = AECountItems(&docList, &itemsInList);
- if (myErr)
- return myErr;
- for (i = 1; ((i <= itemsInList) && (!myErr)); ++i)
- {
- myErr = AEGetNthPtr( &docList, i, typeFSS, &theKeyWord, &typeCode,
- (Ptr)&myFSS, sizeof(FSSpec), &actualSize );
- if (myErr)
- return myErr;
- newDoc = new DScribbleDoc;
- if (newDoc)
- newDoc->AEInitDoc(&myFSS);
- }
- return noErr;
- }